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Sunday, October 10, 2010

My Baby Boy

So yesterday someone inquired about my soon to be son. I'm 6 months pregnant with my first child, IT'S A BOY! His name will be Julian. It's been a smooth pregnancy, no morning sickness not alot of fatigue. I've just been sailing through it, which in a way worries me. I don't know how I want to have him, C-section or try and push. I'm leaning towards trying to push just because I want to be able to experience child birth. Then again, C-section's are safer for both the mother and the baby and alot faster considering you can have the baby in 20 minutes versus pushing for 36 hours.

So there's some info about my pending dilema.


  1. I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST!. Delivery method all depends on your choice and health. TAKE CARE

  2. name him batman instead, cmooon :(

  3. Congratulations! Good luck with everything

  4. Wish you and Julian all the best :)

    thanks for the comment btw, got a new post up check it out.

  5. Thanks for the comments on my blog :)

    I have new bubbles on Enhanced by MS Paint!

  6. thats a cool way of looking at it!

  7. I would push it out.
    Of course neither option is really available to me, but I think you will be able to hold it over his head when he's being a brat

  8. Great read! Looking forward to reading your next post.
